Anthology series which mixes dark humor with genres like crime, horror or drama. The show invites viewers into some very different No.9s, where the ordinary and mundane rub shoulders with the extraordinary and macabre. Be invited into some very different No. 9s, where the ordinary and mundane rub shoulders with the extraordinary and macabre. From a grand country house where a game of 'sardines' leads to some chilling revelations in a wardrobe; to a very oddly haunted house; to a blood-soaked actor's dressing room in London's West End; to the flat of an apparently happy primary school teacher who becomes the victim of a good deed; these unpredictable tales feature high comedy and claustrophobic horror by turns.Streaming Inside No. 9 Online Free Movie Download
Summary Inside No. 9
Synopsis Inside No. 9
A series of six episodes that takes place in a different house every week, which are always No.9. These include a stately home where a sinister game of sardines is taking place, a flat above a shop where a friendly sort of man meets his polar opposite, a dressing room for a theatre holding a producing of the supposedly cursed Macbeth, an apartment where a group of friends discover a priceless relic and a modern house where a bungled burglary is happening. Each story contains elements of both comedy, and horror, in the style of an anthology series.
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